Top 7 Digital
Agencies in
New York City

What Santa Claus taught me about running an agency.

Do you remember the old Miracle on 34th Street movie? The black and white one from 1947? If you watched it over the holidays like I did growing up, you might remember the big Macy’s Day Parade or how sweet of a man Santa Claus was. Not me. I remember how the protagonist Santa Claus would tell parents where to find the toys their kids really wanted for Christmas even if it wasn’t from Macy’s — against the obvious wishes of the shareholders.

So what does Santa Claus have to do with this article? Well quite simply, I pick my favorite digital agencies in New York City and tell you about them. Agencies that we look up to, aspire to be like and frankly, would be honoured to be considered a competitor of theirs. Agencies that meet the different needs of each client. So with that being said, here’s a list of our favorite digital agencies in New York City (Spoiler alert: we haven't added ourselves to the list.)



Tribeca, New York: This agency has won all the awards- Best Places To Work for two years in a row and Most Innovative Companies to name a few. Their work with Beats by Dre won them the Wood & Graphite Pencil at D&AD Awards. The breadth of their services speaks to their influence — branding and website development; campaign support from concept development to analytics and extensive interactive experiences like AR, VR and AI. If their innovative work isn’t enough (see Beats by Dre and Adidas Transmission Pack), they recently started Firstborn Brewery where their beer hasn’t won as many awards as their work but definitely won our hearts. We really can’t fangirl enough.



Brooklyn, New York: We love HUGE. They are bold, unabashed, and love what they do — the antithesis of us in size, but not in heart. Their slogan actually is, “make something you love”. Huge won Innovation Agency of the Year in 2019. Their activism with social issues, plus their commitment to research is one of the reasons they are so influential. Their font, their colors and their work is... huge. We are huge fans.



Lower Manhattan, New York: Barrel built their culture around collaboration and creativity. The intimate connection between them and their clients is evident in their work. There’s a sense of openness — a feeling of taking a deep breath on their site and in their workplace environment. Good vibes here.



Financial District, New York: Fantasy is seasoned. Twenty years in the industry has given them experience and edge. Technology forward, their work is competitive. There’s something to being around long enough to see how the digital landscape has changed, and staying ahead of the changing times. They do, by offering digital ecosystems to operating systems to mobile solutions for clients who thought that modernity was only a fantasy.



Soho, New York: Strategic, empathetic and relational. Domani’s creativity is forward focused and driven by technology. They offer strategy, marketing and social services but really excel in their platform solutions. CRM and mobile platforms, CMS, systems and data integration is just some of what they offer. And, like us, they don't turn away the little guy. An agency for everyone.


Area 17

Brooklyn, New York: Straightforward, simple and stunning. They aim to serve people’s needs by simplifying business and being straightforward in their strategy and development. They create intelligent modular design systems and customize their software for mobile or web apps. Not to sound redundant but, this approach makes for stunning work.


Stink Studios

Brooklyn,New York: Stink does anything but stink. Their immersive site sucks you in and when you pull yourself out of the creative wormhole of addictive movement and color with a dash or humor; you’ll find yourself wondering who these people are. Focusing on advertising, technology and entertainment… you’ll be entertained.

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We have a lot to offer, but we know you have a lot to lose.

Before you swipe right, you want to make sure this is gonna work out. We get it! Compatibility is key. So, we’ve created a little quiz to help you decide if we are a good fit. Like a dating app for digital agencies. Swipe right?