by nature.

Seeds of Change

Terraces. A coworking space. A biergarten. Árbol is a modern living paradise within city limits. The vision was to create a place where residents could do more than just dwell; they could live, work, and play.

It was a tall order, but if necessity is the mother of invention, we were going to be the fairy god-mother. We did more than turn pumpkins into carriages, we took their nature inspired vision and created an entire forest around the dream of apartments made for more than just living.

Planting seeds and raising standards

The challenge was getting inspiration into something tangible – to help our client best convey what they were trying to express. Through a series of discovery exercises, we not only uncovered a name, we unearthed a message.

Every great wonder of the world started with an idea. A vision is like a seed – small but full of potential. The Gomes Group had a vision. They wanted to incorporate luxury in a nature-inspired theme with amenities that fostered well-being and apartments that brought comfort and rejuvenation to its tenants. Beyond that, they wanted to surpass expectations and stand out as a beacon in Newark. We helped them find fertile ground for their seed of vision to grow.


A Name

With a vision this big, a name was very important. It had to introduce Newark to the identity, purpose, and commitment of what it would become. Árbol means tree in Spanish. Like branches that provide shade and shelter, and roots that network with the environment around them; this new modern living space would be a source of comfort, provision, and inspiration for Newark and beyond. With help from founder Pedro Gomes, and the team here at Inovāt we knew that the name Árbol represented all that they hoped to be.


An Image

With the name decided, we got to work on identity and website by using colors, language and imagery that best expressed their vision. Natural imagery of plants and wood were paired with warm tones and thoughtful language, along with touches of opulence (just like in nature). We presented them with these textural layers in a creative direction that best expressed the ambience that would define Árbol. From there, we crafted a user-friendly yet inspiring website that immediately captured the attention and imagination of future tenants looking for a new and fresh place to call home. The name lends itself to creative word play which allowed us to have some fun with their messaging. With a brand that spoke to the heart of who Árbol is, and a site that provoked curiosity, we were ready to launch.


A Launch

Árbol’s design seamlessly incorporates their vision of green design, co-working, and luxury living. Those looking for a new approach to living were struck by the beautiful textures, warm colors, and uplifting language and even more convinced when they saw that the website perfectly represented the lifestyle they were searching for. Living walls, eco furniture, gardens, cafes, and amenities that make you take a deep, cleansing breath are exactly what renters expected... and it’s exactly what they got.

“They caught the vision and helped us make it a reality.”

Pedro Gomes, CEO Gomes Group

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