the perfect

That’s the German word for mixing.

Collomix is a German company that makes amazing tools to use for mixing things like concrete and paint. They’ve been a leader for more than 40 years, with sales across the world.

But the US market doesn’t know that… yet. Collomix’s goal was to raise brand awareness across America, carve out a space in the saturated tool market and drive customers into the stores that carry their products. But we knew that before we could tackle those challenges, we’d have to solve a bigger problem — convincing the construction industry that there’s a better way to mix than by using a drill and a mixing bit.

Concrete Standards.

Speed, performance, material, temperature, time and consistency are all crucial ingredients to a mix that stands the test of time. And a mix that stands the test of time creates a building that does the same. Collomix doesn’t just want to sell more Collomixers. They want to create harmony on the jobsite by showing them how much time, cost and back pain they can save by using their tools. When that change happens, Collomix will be the obvious tool of choice.



We knew that if we were going to present Collomix to the US, we had to understand not just the business of mixing or the products they make, but them… the people. So before a contract was signed, before a strategy was developed, our team flew to Germany and spent over a week immersing ourselves in their culture and becoming friends with the Collomix team. We learned a few things too. Like — the only way to bike through Bavaria is to end the trip with a Kloster Barock Dunkel at the oldest monastic brewery in the world.


Mixing it up

Our friendly trip served us very well, especially when it was time to go back and ask the Collomix team some serious questions about their brand and their business goals. Because of our already developed relationship and ability to exchange jokes in English and sometimes in badly spoken German, this particular trip was very productive. An intensive week-long lockdown consisted of hours of brainstorming, asking hard questions and developing strategies. In the end, we had a strategy that would begin the journey toward their American dream.


The story continues

Collomix’s US strategy is still being built, every day. Weekly video calls, hundreds of emails, multiple versions of the catalog, weeks of research and countless dad jokes have been exchanged since our relationship began, and it's just the beginning. We’re now designing their website, defining their brand and, most importantly, educating the construction industry that mixing matters. If we’ve learned anything from our German friends, it’s that with the right tool in hand, you can build anything - but with the right mix, whatever you build will last. Branding included.

“Fresh, easy and very focused creative work.”

Alexander Essing, President, Collomix GmbH


The percentage of Germans that read the terms and conditions before making a purchase online.


The percentage of Americans that read the terms and conditions before making a purchase online.


The length of our “short bike ride” through the Bavarian countryside (we’re still a little sore).

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